Today's nCovid Virus Case

Updated at 2024-10-22 00:00:02 GMT

230,890,684 (54337)


4,745,785 (1108)



Total Active


Whole World Country's COVID-19 Case
Country Total Cases Total Deaths Total Recoverd Active Cases
United States 43,668,680 705,293 33,112,993 9,850,394
India 33,624,419 446,690 32,876,319 301,410
Brazil 21,327,616 593,698 20,326,408 407,510
United Kingdom 7,601,487 135,983 6,131,137 1,334,367
Russia 7,376,374 202,273 6,574,608 599,493
Turkey 6,987,494 62,745 6,453,201 471,548
France 6,983,601 116,420 6,709,622 157,559
Iran 5,508,885 118,792 4,897,876 492,217
Argentina 5,248,847 114,828 5,107,912 26,107
Colombia 4,948,513 126,068 4,788,573 33,872
Spain 4,946,601 86,229 4,708,167 152,205
Italy 4,653,696 130,603 4,419,537 103,556
Indonesia 4,204,116 141,258 4,017,055 45,803
Germany 4,194,549 93,933 3,952,000 148,616
Mexico 3,619,115 274,703 2,971,000 373,412
Poland 2,901,674 75,551 2,660,438 165,685
South Africa 2,894,342 86,967 2,756,693 50,682
Philippines 2,453,328 37,405 2,240,599 175,324
Ukraine 2,387,750 55,557 2,243,209 88,984
Peru 2,171,374 199,182 0 1,972,192
Malaysia 2,171,232 24,931 1,950,464 195,837
Netherlands 1,993,309 18,147 1,908,277 66,885
Iraq 1,990,316 22,039 1,887,103 81,174
Czech Republic 1,688,953 30,452 1,652,454 6,047
Japan 1,687,422 17,375 1,620,324 49,723
Chile 1,650,238 37,423 1,605,948 6,867
Canada 1,598,800 27,620 1,526,156 45,024
Bangladesh 1,549,553 27,368 1,509,202 12,983
Thailand 1,549,285 16,143 1,408,602 124,540
Israel 1,256,600 7,611 1,183,394 65,595
Pakistan 1,236,888 27,524 1,157,322 52,042
Belgium 1,233,723 25,554 1,144,670 63,499
Romania 1,180,097 36,109 1,093,151 50,837
Sweden 1,149,407 14,781 1,107,356 27,270
Portugal 1,065,633 17,947 1,015,927 31,759
Morocco 927,127 14,102 895,434 17,591
Serbia 899,485 7,966 771,797 119,722
Kazakhstan 874,920 10,999 808,300 55,621
Cuba 839,981 7,104 796,025 36,852
Switzerland 833,383 11,052 754,192 68,139
Hungary 820,078 30,151 781,794 8,133
Jordan 818,358 10,653 795,359 12,346
Nepal 789,872 11,081 758,504 20,287
Vietnam 736,972 18,220 505,859 212,893
Austria 732,157 10,953 700,130 21,074
Tunisia 703,059 24,676 671,866 6,517
Greece 643,055 14,639 600,551 27,865
Lebanon 621,155 8,268 587,254 25,633
Georgia 605,360 8,787 573,542 23,031
Saudi Arabia 546,843 8,688 535,842 2,313
Guatemala 545,796 13,283 498,602 33,911
Belarus 526,242 4,066 510,304 11,872
Costa Rica 521,182 6,189 420,204 94,789
Sri Lanka 511,372 12,530 452,692 46,150
Ecuador 507,858 32,720 443,880 31,258
Bolivia 498,595 18,696 456,236 23,663
Bulgaria 491,327 20,423 429,030 41,874
Azerbaijan 478,715 6,415 446,643 25,657
Panama 465,736 7,197 454,776 3,763
Paraguay 459,779 16,142 442,512 1,125
Myanmar 455,074 17,413 408,292 29,369
Kuwait 411,406 2,444 408,283 679
Slovakia 406,760 12,594 385,165 9,001
Croatia 397,761 8,566 380,678 8,517
Palestine 394,683 3,997 361,515 29,171
Uruguay 388,313 6,051 380,789 1,473
Ireland 381,883 5,209 334,024 42,650
Honduras 363,017 9,679 108,939 244,399
Venezuela 360,849 4,379 344,210 12,260
Dominican Republic 356,694 4,035 347,769 4,890
Denmark 356,326 2,640 349,014 4,672
Ethiopia 339,658 5,331 306,288 28,039
Libya 335,991 4,588 253,524 77,879
Lithuania 324,329 4,896 298,885 20,548
Oman 303,551 4,093 295,168 4,290
Egypt 300,278 17,110 253,271 29,897
South Korea 298,402 2,441 266,414 29,547
Mongolia 292,591 1,189 284,712 6,690
Slovenia 288,219 4,526 270,007 13,686
Moldova 287,730 6,665 271,652 9,413
Bahrain 274,676 1,389 272,553 734
Armenia 257,620 5,239 239,113 13,268
Kenya 248,069 5,082 239,298 3,689
Qatar 236,123 604 233,998 1,521
Bosnia and Herzegovina 230,801 10,422 192,218 28,161
Zambia 208,778 3,642 204,553 583
Nigeria 203,991 2,671 192,139 9,181
Algeria 202,449 5,758 138,632 58,059
Macedonia 189,159 6,557 170,395 12,207
Norway 186,035 850 88,952 96,233
Kyrgyzstan 178,202 2,599 172,764 2,839
Botswana 176,427 2,360 172,051 2,016
Uzbekistan 171,588 1,218 166,013 4,357
Albania 166,690 2,619 151,914 12,157
Afghanistan 155,019 7,198 123,527 24,294
Latvia 153,403 2,675 143,294 7,434
Estonia 153,071 1,343 142,275 9,453
Mozambique 150,439 1,908 146,372 2,159
Finland 138,578 1,062 46,000 91,516
Zimbabwe 129,134 4,600 121,841 2,693
Montenegro 128,796 1,884 118,963 7,949
Namibia 127,071 3,488 122,539 1,044
Ghana 126,313 1,142 121,304 3,867
Uganda 122,903 3,140 95,979 23,784
Cyprus 117,868 551 90,755 26,562
Cambodia 108,257 2,218 100,182 5,857
El Salvador 102,024 3,174 84,981 13,869
Rwanda 96,570 1,242 45,452 49,876
China 95,986 4,636 90,330 1,020
Australia 95,798 1,220 71,608 22,970
Cameroon 85,414 1,368 80,433 3,613
Singapore 84,510 73 73,395 11,042
Maldives 84,164 230 82,309 1,625
Jamaica 81,828 1,821 51,544 28,463
Luxembourg 77,762 835 75,765 1,162
Senegal 73,719 1,854 71,218 647
Malawi 61,475 2,272 54,066 5,137
Democratic Republic of the Congo 56,617 1,083 30,858 24,676
Angola 54,280 1,471 47,175 5,634
Reunion 53,241 363 52,010 868
Fiji 50,540 584 36,524 13,432
Trinidad and Tobago 49,688 1,441 43,977 4,270
Madagascar 42,898 958 41,322 618
French Polynesia 40,178 611 33,500 6,067
Suriname 39,609 841 26,853 11,915
Sudan 38,182 2,894 32,038 3,250
Malta 37,061 457 35,737 867
Mauritania 35,777 768 34,140 869
Syria 32,138 2,187 23,383 6,568
Guyana 30,696 749 26,139 3,808
Guinea 30,343 376 28,636 1,331
Gabon 29,126 178 26,541 2,407
Togo 25,083 219 21,758 3,106
Benin 22,958 154 17,294 5,510
Haiti 21,540 610 19,348 1,582
Seychelles 21,257 115 20,657 485
Laos 21,080 16 5,568 15,496
Bahamas 20,603 522 18,265 1,816
Mayotte 20,219 178 2,964 17,077
Belize 19,600 402 17,247 1,951
Somalia 19,583 1,099 9,345 9,139
East Timor 19,308 111 18,089 1,108
Papua New Guinea 19,278 225 18,254 799
Tajikistan 17,084 124 16,960 0
Burundi 16,356 38 773 15,545
Curacao 16,303 159 15,662 482
Taiwan 16,181 841 15,178 162
Aruba 15,370 160 14,952 258
Andorra 15,167 130 14,966 71
Mauritius 15,161 71 1,854 13,236
Mali 15,130 547 14,255 328
Lesotho 14,395 403 6,830 7,162
Burkina Faso 14,116 179 13,787 150
Republic of the Congo 14,113 191 12,421 1,501
Nicaragua 13,730 203 4,225 9,302
Djibouti 12,253 162 11,838 253
Hong Kong 12,177 213 11,888 76
South Sudan 11,926 128 11,375 423
Equatorial Guinea 11,806 142 10,225 1,439
Iceland 11,632 33 11,251 348
Central African Republic 11,371 100 6,859 4,412
Saint Lucia 11,053 183 8,658 2,212
Gambia 9,911 335 9,548 28
Yemen 8,861 1,673 5,470 1,718
Isle of Man 7,324 51 6,790 483
Barbados 7,232 64 6,311 857
Eritrea 6,685 42 6,628 15
Sierra Leone 6,393 121 4,377 1,895
Guinea-Bissau 6,099 135 5,275 689
Niger 5,974 201 5,723 50
Brunei 5,960 33 4,022 1,905
New Caledonia 5,959 72 58 5,829
Liberia 5,782 283 5,458 41
Gibraltar 5,502 97 5,335 70
San Marino 5,419 90 5,269 60
Chad 5,031 174 4,848 9
Bermuda 4,982 52 3,318 1,612
Grenada 4,766 105 2,659 2,002
Sint Maarten 4,197 62 3,970 165
New Zealand 4,162 27 3,885 250
Comoros 4,112 147 3,953 12
Saint Martin 3,727 55 1,399 2,273
Liechtenstein 3,439 60 3,336 43
Monaco 3,302 33 3,238 31
Sao Tome and Principe 3,295 47 2,659 589
Dominica 3,197 13 2,639 545
Antigua and Barbuda 2,902 64 1,854 984
Turks and Caicos Islands 2,830 22 2,748 60
British Virgin Islands 2,642 37 2,555 50
Bhutan 2,599 3 2,593 3
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,762 10 970 782
Tanzania 1,367 50 183 1,134
Cayman Islands 795 2 747 46
Greenland 553 0 398 155
Wallis and Futuna 445 7 438 0
Anguilla 364 1 345 18
Falkland Islands 67 0 63 4
Macau 66 0 63 3
Puerto Rico 39 2 1 36
Montserrat 33 1 30 2
Guam 32 1 0 31
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 31 0 31 0
Vatican 27 0 27 0
Solomon Islands 20 0 20 0
U.S. Virgin Islands 17 0 0 17
Western Sahara 10 1 8 1
Palau 5 0 4 1
Marshall Islands 4 0 4 0
Vanuatu 4 1 3 0
Samoa 3 0 3 0